Since 2011, we have been producing white, rosé and red wines of the highest quality, drawing on the richness of the exceptional terroir, between the gentle slopes of the hills and the light air of the sea, surrounding Château Saint-Maur. Our philosophy of producing recognised Crus Classés is based on the great care we take of each vine and the requirement to harvest healthy and balanced grapes.

A high fashion approach
The Château Saint-Maur grows exceptional grapes. We work the vines in order to perpetuate a thousand-year-old wine-making know-how. The Château integrates the codes of the top-of-the-range hotel industry to satisfy the taste of the most refined palates.
"The details make the perfection, and perfection is not a detail. perfection is not a detail".
Leonardo da Vinci
Cru classé
A prestigious award
Château Saint-Maur is theOne of the eighteen estates in Provence to be awarded the Cru Classé label since 1955This distinction, a guarantee of the quality of the wine, was created in 1977. This distinction, a guarantee of theexcellence of our terroir and guarantor of our know-howThis is why we are so well known.

our mantra
Products bearing our signature are developed with respect for the environment and marketed with respect for the women and men who have given them given birth. They are developed with finesse, elegance and are synonymous with art de vivre and share.
We don't sell wine: we want to create moments suspended in time, experiences and memories.
Marc Monrose